Happiness in the Posh Bottle

A cabaret event for people aged 65+

24th August - Gosforth Civic Theatre

Arrive from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. Finishes 8pm - Limited tickets available

Happiness in the posh bottle is a fun filled cabaret evening with sit down food and entertainment to celebrate and listen to our older generation. The event is organised by Md Mominal Hamid with Curious Monkey. Md wants to give back to the older generation.

“At one point in our life we will be old. I have seen during my life as an asylum seeker in the UK that nowadays we think less about our elderly community. They cared about us in their whole lives. Can’t we do something for them to entertain them? Can’t we make them laugh and give them some happy moments?”

There will be music, comedy, a raffle and at the end of the event we will ask people to pass on a message or some wisdom which will be collected, put in Posh Bottles and sent out so someone will find it and realise what the elderly generations want from the future.

This event is free but tickets are limited, please request tickets by signing up online or by leaving a message by phone. Someone from the Curious Monkey team will contact you to confirm your booking.

Online: complete this form https://airtable.com/shrq8drFUEYSl2nY9

Phone: Text or call and leave a message and we will get back to you 07497221708

Support with transport is also available for those who need it.

Photo by Oren Atias on Unsplash


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